1. The people demand a complete overhaul of Atlanta Police Department’s (APD) training institutions, and instead utilize models based on de-escalation rather than militarized tactics that aid or perpetuate mass incarceration.
a. We demand a termination to APD’s involvement in the Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange (GILEE) program, that trains our officers in Apartheid Israel
b. We demand implementation of mandatory bias training audits
c. We demand APD require community outreach hours for officers in assigned zones
2. The people demand an immediate end to Operation Whiplash, the collaboration between the Atlanta Police Department and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and all practices of racial profiling that unjustly target and punish Black, Latinx, and other communities of color.
a. We demand APD discontinue the practice of holding individuals on the basis of ICE detainers
b. We demand citywide abolition of “No-Knock” Warrants
c. We demand a decrease in school police presence
d. We demand that the engagement of private probation firms be made illegal in the City of Atlanta
e. We demand the implementation of citywide mental health response units #AnthonyHill
3. The people demand that expanded mechanisms be implemented to hold police officers accountable for killing civilians, and measures taken to deter acts of police violence.
a. We demand that the Atlanta Citizen Review Board be dissolved and reconstituted with direct community representation. We demand the ACRB be given subpoena power, the authority to enforce its rulings and the power to issue legally-binding disciplinary actions against APD. To this point, APD and the police unions have repeatedly overruled or rejected the Board’s recommendations, leaving no additional redress for grievances.
b. We demand justice and independent investigation of Atlanta specific cases of police murder including, beginning with the release of all material evidence and surveillance footage in the Alexia Christian case.
4. The people demand the City divest critical funding from the APD and invest in social services such as affordable housing, equitable health and environmental resources, and equal access to quality public education, particularly in underserved communities. In addition, funding from miscellaneous fines and fees should be directed into funding pools for alternative solutions such as pre-arrest diversion, social welfare and anti-recidivism programs.
a. We demand redirecting of city funds to programs such as mental health response units, Pre-Arrest Diversion, such as the Pre-Booking Program proposed by SNaPCo or Seattle’s LEAD Project, and indigent care clinics.
b. We demand redirection of funds from the bond referendum, MARTA and beltline sales tax, and transportation sales tax into investment in black, marginalized communities.